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2024-2025 Welcome to MAS Orchestra Magnet! 

Ms. Vivian Gonzalez and Mr. Daniel Yucra, Directors 


Welcome to the Miami Arts Studio Orchestra Magnet Program!  We are so happy to welcome you back and some for the very first time!  In this packet you can review the expectations and commitment we expect from every student in MAS Orchestra, so please keep this as a reference throughout the school year in case you have any questions. 




Email and scheduled conferences are the only official communication avenues for Miami-Dade County Public Schools and MAS Orchestra.  Text message, Remind App messages, any other messenger apps, and unscheduled meetings are not official forms of communication and may not be responded to.  Emails are required to be responded to within 3 school days.  If you have not received a response, please resend your email because it is likely that it was not received.  To request a scheduled conference, send an email to Ms. Gonzalez ( or Mr. Yucra ( requesting the meeting with what staff you would like present, and we will respond with availability options.

Students are required to check their school email daily for class updates and assignments.  Students can access their school email through their student portal.


Behavior and Participation Expectations 


Orchestra Magnet students are expected to treat each other, all adults, instruments, and property with respect at all times.  Behavior expectations during performances and classes are similar, as class time is used to practice excellent concert behavior and participation.  Any issues with behavior or participation will be addressed immediately and a parent, couselor, or administrator will be contacted as needed.   All orchestra magnet students are required to adhere to the MDCPS Student Code of Conduct as well as the rules set forth by the administration of Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer.  School rules infractions will result in consequences that may include being exited from Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer.

Magnet Contract Compliance

All MAS Orchestra students are required to adhere to the requirements set forth in the Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer magnet contract.  Students who do not meet the requirements of the magnet contract are subject to consequences that may include being exited from Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer.

Materials in Class and Appropriate Fingernail Length

Students are expected to come to class daily ready to learn and rehearse.  Students who do not have their instruments and/or required materials in class will receive a Z grade for each day they are out of compliance.  Students who do not have appropriate fingernail length for playing their instrument will receive a Z grade for each day they are out of compliance.  Students who have instruments in repair must have a parent email Ms. Gonzalez and/or Mr. Yucra to explain the repair needed and the date the repair should be completed.  If the repair will take more than 2 school days, the parent must request a loaner instrument from the repair shop.


Instrument Expectations 


It is required that all students own or rent a personal string instrument and bring it daily to class.  It is to the benefit of every student to use their personal instrument at school and at home, as changing instruments is not good for technique, tone, and intonation.  Instruments should be strung with high-quality strings. Bows should be re-haired at least once every year.  In their cases students, should have a shoulder rest or rock stop, rosin, a rosin rag, nail clippers and at least one full set of extra strings at all times.  A limited number of school cellos and basses are available for loan for those students who do not yet have personal instruments and/or have no way of transporting their instrument to and from their home. Students who use a school cello or bass are required to transport their own bow in a bow case daily to and from school. Students cannot leave personal instruments in the orchestra room overnight!  The school does not assume responsibility for any instruments left overnight or over the weekend.  Please make sure that your child takes their personal instrument home daily. If they do not, it is the sole responsibility and liability of the parent should anything happen to the instrument.


Instrument Care Expectations 


All students are responsible for the care of any school instrument assigned to them.  If damage occurs to their assigned instrument at home or at school, the student is financially responsible to repair or replace the instrument immediately.  Normal wear and tear on an instruments is the responsibility of the program, however, damage caused by a student’s negligence is the responsibility of the student and the family.  Think of your instrument like a new born baby.  Do not leave it unattended in a car, do not leave it in direct sunlight, do not leave it where it can get wet, do not leave it where it can get stepped or tripped on, do not leave it where something can fall on it.  If you are not a bowed string player, please do not try to tune your child’s instrument! You will more than likely break the string or drop the bridge.  If this happens, you will be responsible for the repair.  Instrument repair and replacement ranges from $30.00 to $10, 000 depending on the instrument and the repair/replacement needed and are solely the responsibility of the parent.  A quote from 2 MDCPS approved vendors/luthiers will be obtained and the responsible adult will pay the lower of the two prices. 

Performance Guidelines 


All orchestra magnet performances are MANDATORY!  Missing a performance is an automatic probation or magnet dismissal offense.  All performances are worth a minimum of six grades.  They are as follows; punctuality, uniform, over all behavior, and string participation.  Punctuality and uniform grades are A or F grades.  All students are to arrive in their required uniform and report to designated area on or before their call time.  One minute past call time is late, and therefore an automatic Z grade for punctuality, so please make sure that your child is always on time.  Also, if a child arrives to a performance without the exact uniform required, they will earn an F grade for uniform and may be excluded from the performance. 

Performance Expectations 


Orchestra Magnet students are expected to put forth their very best effort and energy in learning all the components of orchestra magnet.  In order for a student to perform with their peers, each student must pass a playing test on each piece of the upcoming concert.  If there is a piece where a student is not performing at the appropriate level, a warning notice will be sent home.  If the student does not show adequate progress by the second playing test, they will be excluded from that piece during the performance.  Any student who does not pass a piece of the performance test is still required to attend the performance at the call time in their performance uniform, as there are many pieces in a performance and they will still participate in some part of the concert.  If they do not attend the performance, they will be placed on automatic probation. 

Attendance Requirements

Students are required to attend all school day rehearsals and any required after school rehearsals.  Students who need to miss a school day rehearsal or required after school rehearsal are required to request an excused absence from their orchestra director before the scheduled absence.  Students who do not notify their effected magnet orchestra teacher before their absence will receive a Z grade for the rehearsal missed.  Students who miss school day rehearsals or required after school rehearsals due to emergency or illness have to have a parent or guardian submit a request for an excused absence to the affected magnet orchestra teacher. 


Additionally, all orchestra magnet students are required to adhere to the attendance and tardy policy of Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer.  Students who have excessive absences and tardies will be subject to consequences including lunch detention, restriction from field trips and activities, and possible removal from Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer.

MAS Orchestra Field Trip Policy - Read carefully


To be eligible to attend any field trip, students must remain in good attendance, academic, and disciplinary standing in all classes at MAS 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer.  Administration will review all student standings two weeks prior to the event to make sure that all participating students are in good standing.  Students who do not meet eligibility requirements may be removed from the trip and will forfeit any payments made.

Student Code of Conduct:

All students are required to follow the MDCPS Student Code of Conduct for the duration of all field trips.  Infractions will be reported to the school administration and can result in consequences including removal from Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer.

Field Trip Forms:

Field trip forms are required to be completed, signed, and turned in on time.  Parents must complete emergency contact information and sign in both parent signature locations for field trip forms to be accepted.  Students without complete and signed field trip forms are not allowed to participate in the trip and will forfeit any fees paid.

Costs and Payments:

All fees for field trips are non-refundable (no matter the situation, including a positive COVID-19 diagnosis).

Any student who does not participate in the trip will forfeit all payments made.

All fees must be paid on time according to the payment schedule.

If final payment is not made by the due date the students will not be able to attend the trip and payments made will be forfeited.

Itinerary and Transportation:

Students must participate for the duration of the field trip as outlined in the itinerary.

Students must travel via the approved transportation to and from this field trip as indicated on their field trip form. 

Alternate arrival and dismissal times, locations, and/or transportation must be approved, in writing, by the school administration a minimum of ​15 school days prior to the start of the field trip or before transportation is no longer refundable, whichever date is earlier.  Students who drive to school may be given permission from MAS administration to drive to a field trip if requested, however, student drivers are not allowed to transport any other student as that is against MDCPS policy.


Students requiring any over the counter or prescribed medication while on a field trip must contact Assistant Principal, Mrs. Patricia Fleri, via email a minimum of 15 school days before the trip.  The email should explain the medication needed to ensure that proper MDCPS procedures are followed.

Illness During Field Trip:

Should a student become ill while on a field trip their parent/guardian is responsible to make arrangements to pick up the student in a timely manner.


Performance Uniforms - REQUIRED

All students are required to have the assigned concert uniform no later than October 20th (this date is earlier for Level 6 students). Returning students must try on their concert uniform to make sure that it still fits before this date!   Uniforms purchased will all need to have professional altering done.


Boys:  Full Classic Tuxedo (black jacket, white tuxedo shirt, black tuxedo pants, black bow tie and black cummerbund), black dress socks, and black dress shoes. 


Girls:  Arietta dress and shrug with black hose and black shoes.  Long hair tied back. No jewelry.  You must purchase the dress through Southeastern Concert Apparel




Ladies Tux: 


Parents must measure and purchase the required uniform for their child.

Dresses will need to be hemmed to be ankle length once they are received.


You must order them by September 1st to guarantee they will arrive and be ready by our first performance. 

Measurement directions and help can be found at: 

MAS Orchestra Field Trip Uniform - REQUIRED 


  • Students must have their complete uniform by September 15th

  • Students not in the correct uniform on the field trip day are not allowed to participate in the field trip



MAS Orchestra Activity Shirt (black/blue/pink) tucked in

Black dress pants (These should not be tight pants! They should have a straight or slightly tapered leg from the thigh to the ankle. If you are unsure, please ask before purchasing.)

Black belt

Black skirt that is below the knee 

Black dress socks (for dress pants)

Black (solid black) loafers or dress shoes; sneakers only when specified – no heels or sandals

Absolutely no jeans, joggers, yoga pants, tights, etc. (not even black ones) will be permitted



MAS Orchestra Activity Shirt (black/blue/pink)

Assignments and Grades 


Solo/Etude Tests:  Students will be assigned solos and etudes every nine weeks.  If they play their solo with a 3 or 4 rating according to the rubric, the solo will be passed and added to their card.  Solos and etudes are worth 50% of their Instrumental Techniques grade.  To move orchestra levels, students must pass each solo with a rating of 3 or 4 (Excellent or Superior). 


Scales Test: Students in levels 2-5 will have various scales assigned each nine weeks.  If they play their scales with a 3 or 4 rating, it will be added to their complete list which will add to their progress towards their next orchestra level. 


Playing Tests:  Students will be assigned specific sections of their music and/or exercises from their Essential Elements or Sound Innovations book.  Grades for their performance will be given based on the rubric. 


Section Quizzes:  For these grades, students will perform a piece or section of a piece with their section.  Grades will be given based on the rubric. 


Rehearsal Participation:  This is a weekly grade that will include behavior, preparation, and having their instrument. 


Projects: Any projects assigned will be given at the beginning of the nine weeks along with directions, due date, and a rubric for grading.  The project can be turned in anytime during the nine weeks with the last day to turn in the assignment being the due date assigned. Projects can include music history, music appreciation, and current music events and performers.


Music Theory:  Students will have music theory assigned as new concepts are taught.


Sight Reading Factory: All orchestra students will have subscriptions to Sight Reading Factory.  Students are required to complete assignments as scheduled by their orchestra teacher. 


Performance: 6 grades minimum:  Punctuality, Uniform, Participation, and Performance.  Please see “Performance Expectations” for details. 


Extra Credit: 


  • Google Doodle: Whenever the Google Doodle is music related, I make it an extra credit opportunity!  If you would like your child to have this extra credit, please click on the google doodle, and select one of the sites to go through with your child. Have your child read about the composer, composition or musician, and then complete a one page summary or what they have learned. 


  • Community Performance (audience member). Every magnet student is eligible to earn one extra credit grade per nine weeks by attending a community performance as an audience member. To earn extra credit, please have your child submit the program or tickets to the event and complete a one page summary of their experience as an audience member. 


MANDATORY Home Learning: 


Orchestra students are required to practice their string instrument at home.  Individual home practice is vital to students progressing at an appropriate pace on their instrument.  Violin and viola students should always stand to practice as sitting during practice creates poor posture habits.  


Orchestra Level 1: 15 minutes/5 days a week 

Orchestra Level 2: 30 minutes/5 days a week 

Orchestra Level 3: 30minutes/5 days a week 

Orchestra Level 4: 45+ minutes/5 days a week 

Orchestra Level 5: 45+ minutes/5 days a week 

Orchestra Level 6: 60+ minutes/5 days a week 


Required after school rehearsals:  On rare occasion there will be mandatory after school rehearsals.  Parents will be given a minimum of one week notice for mandatory after school rehearsals.  If you have a conflict and your child cannot participate in the required rehearsal, you must provide a written explanation and it will have to be approved by school administration.  Please be reminded that there is no supervision for students after the listed dismissal time.  Parents are required to pick up their children on time.


Letterman Jacket Eligibility: Orchestra Magnet

  • Student must have been in the high school orchestra program for a minimum of 2 school years

  • Student must be a current Junior to be eligible

  • Student must currently be in level 5 or 6 orchestra

  • Minimum of 3.5 GPA in orchestra magnet classes

  • Minimum of 2.5 GPA overall

  • Minimum of 1 rating of Superior in FOA solo or ensemble during high school years of a piece in Suzuki Book 4 or higher difficulty as determined by Ms. Gonzalez or Mr. Yucra

  • Minimum of 1 audition, selection, and participation to a district, state, or national honors orchestra (MDCPS Honors, FOA All-State, FLASTA Honors, YOLA, NYO2, Music for All, etc.)

  • Minimum of 25 hours of community service in music/music education

  • Participation in all required MAS Orchestra performances and activities

  • Forms submitted to Ms. Gonzalez when completed

    Ms. Gonzalez confirms letterman jacket requirements are met in August, December, and May of each school year.  Students are responsible for providing required evidence of completion of requirements to Ms. Gonzalez. Students who have met the requirements have their names sent to Mrs. Demoya, the activities director.  After Ms. Gonzalez has posted eligible juniors and seniors, all sales requests and concerns should be addressed through Mrs. Demoya.  She can be reached at


MDCPS Volunteer Procedures (Chaperones)


All parents interested in chaperoning day and/or overnight field trips MUST have an active MDCPS volunteer ID assigned to Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer no later than October 15th .   


Please be reminded that all MDCPS volunteers have to be reactivated each school year! 

Log on to or create your parent/community member portal 

Click on the Apps|Services|Sites tab 

Click on Become a Volunteer 

Put in your information 

Select Day Chaperone and Music Class 

Select 6052 Miami Arts Studio @ Zelda Glazer 

You are allowed to select more than one school if you want to volunteer at more than one school 

If you are planning on being a chaperone for overnight trips, select Overnight Chaperone to become a Level 2  volunteer 

Print out the letter that they provide

Take the letter to the school to have it signed by the principal 

Call the phone number to make a fingerprinting appointment 

Complete your finger prints 

The final step for all volunteers is to go to the main office and present your valid ID.  You will not be an active volunteer until this step is completed!

This process must be completed annually.  The year restarts July 1st.  

MAS Orchestra Levels 


Seating:  Each orchestra is a team.  In MAS Orchestra, seating will not equate to rank and there will be no “challenges” for “higher” chairs.  During class rehearsals seating will rotate, as will violin 1 and violin 2 placement.  Seating for performances, competitions, and evaluations will be done to provide the best balance from the front to the back of each section.  Every member of the orchestra is important and all students should experience every chair and be able to perform their best wherever they are sitting.  Students who come from programs who base seating on rank, and allow challenges for seats, will quickly adjust to the MAS Orchestra seating philosophy and over time will be less concerned with where they are sitting and be more concerned with how they contribute to their section and ensemble. 

Level Jumping: Students can jump one level by auditioning for either Ms. Gonzalez (violin/viola) or Mr. Yucra (cello/bass).  Level jump requirements for violin/viola are listed at:

Level 1: Students in this level will review and complete Essential Elements books 1 and learn all pieces in Suzuki book 1.  Students will perform selections from the Florida Orchestra Association lists at the ES level (Grade 0 to 1.5).  All students in this level are required to participate in FOA Solo and Ensembles. On average, students are expected to be in Orchestra Level 1 for one school year.  To advance to Level 2, students must successfully complete all book 1 playing tests and ES level sight reading excerpts. 


Level 2: Students in this level will complete Essential Elements book 2 and learn all pieces in Suzuki book 2.  Students will perform selections from the Florida Orchestra Association lists at the ES/DS level (Grade 1 to 2.5).  On average, students are expected to be in Orchestra Level 2 for one school year.  All students in this level are required to participate in FOA Solo and Ensembles and middle school students are encouraged to audition for MDCPS Honors Orchestra.  To advance to Level 3, students must successfully complete all book 2 playing tests, perform most 7/8 All-State two-octave scales, and DS sight reading excerpts.   


Level 3:  Students in this level will complete Essential Elements book 3 and learn all pieces in Suzuki book 3 and some of book 4.  Students will perform selections from the Florida Orchestra Association lists at the DS/CS level (Grade 2.5 to 3).  On average, students are expected to be in Orchestra Level 3 for one school year.  All students in this level are required to participate in FOA Solo and Ensembles. Middle school students in this level are required to audition for MDCPS Honors Orchestra.  To advance to Level 4, students must successfully complete all book 3 playing tests, perform all the 7/8 All-State Scales, demonstrate vibrato and shifting, and perform grade 2 sight reading excerpts. 


 Level 4:  Students in this level will complete Essential Elements book 3 and learn all pieces in Suzuki book 4 and 5.  Students will perform selections from the Florida Orchestra Association lists at the CS level (Grade 3 to 4).  On average, students are expected to be in Orchestra Level 4 for one school year.  All students in this level are required to participate in FOA Solo and Ensembles. Middle school students in this level are required to audition for MDCPS Honors Orchestra.  To advance to Level 5, students must successfully complete Level 5 Instrumental Techniques class as well as complete and pass the Level 5 audition.


Level 5:  Students in this level will complete the Advanced Techniques from Essential Elements. Students will also learn all pieces in Suzuki book 5 their first year, and book 6 their second year.  Students will perform selections from the Florida Orchestra Association lists at the BS level (Grade 4 to 5).  On average, students are expected to be in Orchestra Level 4 for 1-2 school years.  All students in this level are required to participate in FOA Solo and Ensembles.  All students in this level are required to audition for MDCPS Honors Orchestra.   To advance to Level 6 students must complete all requirements as assigned in their instrumental techniques class as well as complete and pass the Level 6 audition.


Level 6:  Students will perform selections from the Florida Orchestra Association lists at the AS level (Grade 5+).  Level 6 is the main performing orchestra for Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer.  Level 6 Orchestra should be considered the same intensity and commitment as an AP Class.  As a result, Level 6 students are required to abide by additional rules as outlined in the Level 6 Contract below:

Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer

Level 6 Orchestra Contract


Students who are in Level 6 orchestra are required to:

· Have appropriate school attendance and punctuality.

· Maintain a 2.5 grade point average.

· Prioritize all Level 6 activities above any other commitments, including clubs.

· Demonstrate that they can accept and manage direct and group criticism.

· Learn parts independently at home so they are ready for rehearsal.

· Attend all rehearsals during school and after school hours as required by director.

· Attend all performances during school and after school hours as required by director.

· Attend all required field trips and outside performances.

· Ask for permission from your director, in an email, to be excused from any class, rehearsal, or performance at least 30 days in advance, unless it is a medical or family emergency.

· Audition to MDCPS Honors Orchestra.

· Participate in District solo and ensembles.

· Participate in District and State Concert Music Performance Assessments.

· Arrive and be picked up/signed out from all events on time.

· Either own a high-quality instrument and bow or rent a high-quality instrument and bow from the booster. Rental is $250 per year, due, in full, the first week of school.

· Have bows re-haired every summer... we recommend Joe Dachuna 305-270-3172 or Miami String

· Have high quality strings on your instrument and a replacement set in your case at all times

· Complete a minimum of 60 minutes of independent practice at least 5 days a week. New students to level 6 will likely have to practice between 60 and 120 minutes 5 days a week to maintain the level and pace of the class.

· Demonstrate an understanding of teamwork and appropriate behavior to be a supportive member of the team.

· Be respectful of Level 6 Orchestra, Orchestra Magnet, and the Orchestra Magnet teachers at all times.

· Represent MAS Orchestra and Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer at the highest level in both behavior and performance at all times.


Students who are in Level 6 orchestra will be reviewed at the end of the school year to see if they will be invited to return to Level 6 orchestra for the following school year. Students who do not meet the requirements above will be removed from Level 6 orchestra. Students removed from Level 6 will have to re- audition for the orchestra, and will not be able to return for at least one full school year.


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